Thursday, June 5, 2008

2nd last class= 2nd last comment

Well this could be my very last comment post on this blog. Its been a nice and valuable experience to mentor such a good group of people. Its been a nice run and hopefully i can still do it for next year, even though I'm going to be busy with my university studies. I might have to email Mr. K next year if i can mentor his Precalculus and AP calculus classes next year. I think i should stop now because the thought of having my last class with Mr. K really makes me sad, so without further ado here is my comment on Francis's post:


That was an amazing poem you made, you deserve some major props for that. Today was not really the last class , tomorrow will be the last class. I kinda feel sad because it is going to be my last class with Mr. K, while you guys still have the chance to become his student next year IF you take AP Calculus. I will definitely miss his skits that make the class very interesting.


Sunday, June 1, 2008


There is only about 5 school days before the provincial exams and it seems like the class is a little trouble in time.


Great scribe post! I am really impress on how thoroughly explained your scribe post is. I really struggled in probability ever since grade 9 and is one of the reasons why i took this class again. Its too bad to hear that we are not going to have a test for this unit, because i really want to measure my expertise in this. BTW, good luck on your provincial exam tomorrow.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Conics quizzes

Well, since i heard that the test for this unit is coming very soon I decided to compile a bunch of links that will help all of us to study, so without further ado here it is:

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 6
Link 7
Link 8

I hope that those links will be very useful to all of us on the upcoming test and especially the provincial exams which is only 20 days away. Leave a feedback if any of those links doesn't work.


Difference between a hyperbola and ellipse

This was a comment that I made regarding Joyce's BOB post.


After reading your BOB post, I can see that you are having troubles with the differences between the standard form of ellipse and hyperbola. They are very similar and sometimes hard to distinguish because Mr. K might algebraically massage them and make them look harder than they actually are. I think that there is only one difference between them. On a ellipse the terms are suppose to have the same signs. On the other hand, on the hyperbola the terms should have opposite signs. To further enhance your learning about this you can check this out:

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Since my AP exam is done I can now go back to my mentoring duties and probably swing by my precalculus class once in a while. This is my comment on Francis's scribe post concerning hyperbolas. Anyways this is only my 22nd post so i got to increase the frequency of my post and the quality of my work.


I know that this comment is about a day late but they always say that its better late than never. I really like how you illustrate the step by step process of how you get the answer. It kinda shows the missing pieces of information that are not on the slides. It helps someone like me who doesn't remember a single thing from the conics section to recall everything. Thank you and job well done. Since my AP class is over , shall i say that I'll see you in class tomorrow.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

The secret of Pascal's Triangle


Very well summarized scribe post. It really helped me refresh my memory.Anyways, for your challenge on finding the fibonacci sequence on the triangle. The fibonacci sequence can be found by getting the sum of the numbers diagonally. This is very well explained here:
Lastly, a little spoiler for your next class is also on that site.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Exponents and Logarithms worksheet

Here is another comment regarding Zeph's questions. I really enjoy answering questions. It sorts of review me about everything i learned last year.


Now I'm going to show you how to do question 16. Special credits to benofschool for showing me how to do this.

[log_3(X)]^2 - log_3(x)^2 = 3

Apply the rules of logarithms.

[log_3(x)]^2 - 2log_3(x) = 3

Let, log_3(x)= y


Apply algebraic massage


Solve for y.

(y+1) (y-3)=0

y=-1 y=3

Substitute back log_3(x)= y

log_3(x)=-1 and log_3(x)=3

x= 1/3 and 27

I'm going to post the answer for the other questions tomorrow.
